Can movement become sculpture?

16 October

11am and 2pm-1pm and 4pm

11.00-13:00 & 14:00-16:00

Artist and Photographer Bill Leslie will be working with the public to answer this question and their work will appear on the Outdoor Hub at St Peters Church, Brighton on Saturday 22 October. 

Join Bill for a practical workshop asking the question ‘what happens to sculpture when it is photographed’. These sessions will explore the potential for movement within the photographic process. Using multiple light sources and long-exposures we will create objects and models, which will generate the impression of movement and dynamism in front of the camera. We will consider how sculptural forms will act when moved, swung, turned and spun, in response to examples of artists’ whose work has dealt with these ideas. 

Visit for more information and booking, age 16+).

We will be sharing our answers on Instagram.  Have your say and share yours! #BPF16Participate

5 King's House
Grand Avenue
Hove, BN3 2LS

  • Support us

    BPF consistently demonstrates exceptional value for money. Led by volunteers, BPF endeavours to make all its activities self-financing. Public funding makes up only a third of the current BPF budget and pays for freelance consultants essential to delivering our intensive programmes. Help us continue to develop our much-needed programmes by donating here. Every little helps.

    Donate now

  • Volunteers

    BPF is a registered charity and a volunteer-led organisation without ongoing core funding. We operate through collective and partnership working and the hugely generous gifts of time that all kinds of people offer to us.

    There are many opportunities to get involved through volunteering across the festival and its exciting programme of exhibitions, talks, workshops, screenings, tours and more.

    If you would like to volunteer with us please email

    BPF16 Volunteers

  • About us

    Brighton Photo Fringe is a volunteer-led, collaborative platform providing essential professional development opportunities and peer-support for emerging lens- based artists.

    Committed to equality and diversity, BPF’s year-round programme fosters ambition, innovation and self-reliance in artists; nurtures confidence and creativity in participants; and inspires audiences with extraordinary images in unexpected places.

    Every two years in October Brighton Photo Fringe organises a free city-wide open-access fringe festival of new photography.

    Read more about us here

  • Arts Council
  • Brighton and Hove City Council
  • Metro Imaging
  • University of Sussex