Legacy Film & Brighton Photo Fringe present… PeloMalo + post-screening discussion
27 October
Pelo Malo (Bad Hair), Mariana Rondón (2013, 85 mins, Venezuela) + Artist Leslie Farah Marem will discuss her work (currently on display at ONCA until 30th October)
Junior is nine years old and has stubbornly curly hair, or "BAD HAIR". He wants to have it straightened for His yearbook picture, like a fashionable pop singer with long, ironed hair. This puts him at odds with his mother Marta. The more Junior tries to look beautiful and make His mother love him, the more she rejects him. He will find himself cornered, facing a painful decision.
6.30 - 8.30
Film screening + post-film panel discussion
Supported by Film Hub South East and Arts Council England
Brighton PhotoFringe Brighton Photo Fringe Phoenix Brighton
(Due to unforeseen circumstances the previously advertised screening of Beyond The Photo by Cathy Hassan has now been postponed to a later date. Please follow Legacy Film on Facebook for updates.)
28 Phoenix Brighton
10-14 Waterloo Place
Brighton, BN2 9NB